Die Website-Übersetzung – viele Wege führen nach Rom. Wir stellen Ihnen einen manuellen und einen automatisierten Weg mit den jeweiligen Vor- und Nachteilen vor. Wann eignet sich welcher Weg für Sie am besten und welcher Aufwand ist damit verbunden?
We were at MedtecLIVE with T4M in Stuttgart, where we had many exciting conversations with exhibitors and visitors. We have written up our impressions for those who didn’t have the chance to attend themselves.
We are attending MedtecLIVE with T4M, which will take over Messe Stuttgart from May 3 to 5 to present innovations in medical technology from across the region. You are welcome to make an appointment with us for an overdue meeting in person on the spot.
January 31 2022 marks the launch of the Clinical Trials Information System, which requires that plain language summaries be provided for every published study. Make this obligation second nature by familiarizing yourself with the rules of easy-to-understand writing.
The Medical Device Regulation provides strict requirements for technical documentation. In the event of non-compliance, there is a risk that the notified agency will refuse certification.