The Dental Equipment & Dentistry team has been handling the translation of a product catalog, including DTP and typesetting check. This project involves the translation of over 36,000 words into 16 languages, and these translations are graphically adapted to the existing layout.
In the age of the mass adoption of digital technologies, it is essential for companies to maintain an online presence in order to make their products or services visible internationally. The targeted combination of search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine advertising (SEA) can optimize the marketing strategy, increase both organic and paid search traffic to the website, and support the efficient development of global markets.
This blog post will take a closer look at the concept of plain language, explain why it is so important and present the approaches adopted in ISO 24495-1.
Artificial intelligence and the possibilities it enables are currently on everyone's lips, and its capabilities are also currently being tested in the translation industry.
Die Website-Übersetzung – viele Wege führen nach Rom. Wir stellen Ihnen einen manuellen und einen automatisierten Weg mit den jeweiligen Vor- und Nachteilen vor. Wann eignet sich welcher Weg für Sie am besten und welcher Aufwand ist damit verbunden?
Transcreation takes more than just linguistic competence paired with technical subject knowledge: the translator must also consider the cultural context of the respective target country, since this can have a strong impact on the translation.
You can tell from reading the packaging whether your pharmacist has handed you the correct medicine as requested. Have you ever run your finger over the pattern of tiny embossed dots on the packaging?
I want to take you with me on a trip down memory lane today. It begins in our childhood, when we dared to take the first steps towards the professional future that we live in today. In the course of this journey, we come to a crossroad with signposts.